Monday, April 7, 2008

Conference Weekend

Well, this last weekend was General Conference and it was really good. First of all, let me say that Jen somewhat surprised me by coming down from Idaho on Wednesday, a whole day earlier that usual. That was awesome. She had to finish a project so on Thursday, we got down to BYU at 6 AM!!! 15 hours, a website and a good chunk of my research paper later, we called it quits and finally got to relax. I relaxed so much, that my immune system took time off and let in a nasty head cold. As I'm writing this, I have a cool movie-announcer voice and frequently have the opportunity to blow my nose.

Anyways, we had the priveledge of watching Genereal Conference. I won't talk of any specifics, but I want to mention a few things I thought were really cool. I don't know if it's been done before, but I loved how we were able to sustain all the General Authorities. We had the chance to actually stand up and sustain Pres. Monson, the 12 Apostles, and other general authorities. The spirit, at least for me, was really strong and I knew that those I was sustaining were actually called of God to do what they are doing. Another good experience was the Priesthood Session. I overcame some early tiredness and was able to really enjoy what was said. All the messages, for me again, pointed towards knowing our divine potential - that we can be with and like the Savior and Heavenly Father. It just really motivated me to be better and to help others also.

I loved conference. Admittedly, I was always waiting for Pres. Hinckley to get up after Pres. Monson, but it was still awesome. I can't wait to start studying all the talks further.

As far as other news goes, Jen and I were able to secure our first "home." Its in north Provo by the riverwoods. For those that are interested, it's in Donny Osmond's stake. Cool, eh? Well, until next time...

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