Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Last Little While

Hey there everyone! So, it's been a little while since either Jen or I have written, so I figure it's about time we update you on everything that has gone on. Since Jen has been home, things have really began to roll forward. We always knew that they would, but now that we're in the thick of things, we realize how crazy things can really get. So, here's the scoop on what is happening, and what has happened, I guess, in the order they happened. Here goes.

Joe and Kathy went to Italy for two weeks. They're back now. That meant that Jen was to run the business. I helped where I could - packaging things and servicing. But through the thick of it all, Jen and I were able to spend a lot of time together. Andrew was there too. We did a lot for the wedding as well. We finally got registered at Target and Bed Bath & Beyond. That was extremely tiring and I'm glad that's out of the way. We got the invites ordered and they're on their way. Watch out for those soon. Overall, things went really quite well while Joe and Kathy were gone.

My mom, DeLanea, graduated. After about 10 years of school, she's done. No, she's not a doctor, she's a mom!! I can't tell you how proud I am of her. Her perseverance and determination are an example to everyone.

Jen got a job! She'll probably tell ya'll about it in another post, but I'll briefly explain it. It's at a place called Cedar Fort Inc., in Springville, UT. She'll be one of their graphic designers doing posters and book covers and things. It's a great job that will make things a little easier in the first year of marriage. With that said, I'll appease eveyone's frustration and say that we got an apartment. This time we're sure because we've already paid the deposit. It's a great place a few blocks east of BYU. Jen's job made the place possible.

I think that's about it really. I started school again, but that's nothing special. I'm making a website for one of my classes, so when that's up and going, I'll send you all there. Other than that, nothing much. Life is going still. Only a few weeks till Boston, then the wedding. So, we'll keep you "posted" on things happening between now and then. We love you all, and until next time...

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