Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And We're Back!

After a fairly long hiatus (during which we re-evluated life, it's purpose, and our position in it) we're back. I don't just mean we're back writing posts on blogs and doing the "same 'ol same 'ol". I mean, we're back. Plain and simple.

Now before you get pretty excited to figure out what has been happening in our lives the past "x" amount of months, know this - we're back. I feel I really need to make that clear.

Ok. I've got that out of the way and I'm ready to tell you everything. At least the big things that have happened. And you should know that there are some pretty dang big things. Big. So to make this easier, I'm going to break things down into events in chronological order starting with the latest and working my way to the very latest. So sit back, relax and get ready to be amused.

EVENT #1: Teaching. Way back in August, I started teaching. I won't go into too much detail, but public education sucks - and its it's own fault. I ran into a lot of early problems that most first-year teachers shouldn't have to deal with. I didn't have a room for over a month. I didn't have any equipment (computers, cameras, etc.) and when you teach photo and TV broadcasting, you need all that stuff. So, for the first month+ of school, we couldn't do anything. I lost the students and at this very second, I'm working on getting them back. I also was assigned to run a video scoreboard that never worked and I got blamed for it not working. When it comes right down to it, I love my job - which is to teach. I just hate all the other crap that comes with it.

EVENT #2: Pogi. If you said, "Aw, cute blog header!" you probably also asked, "What is Pogi?" Well, I'll tell you. Shortly after I began work as a Red Devil, our beloved dog, Belle, got terribly sick and had to be put down. I felt I needed to actually hold and comfort Belle as she slipped into eternity, which was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Shortly after Belle's death, we felt a void in our life and had an opportunity to get another dog for a very good price. So we did. And named him Pogi. Long story short, Pogi means "handsome" in Tagalog and in the Philippines, they always say "Handome is for dogs." I took their advice and named a dog Pogi. Aside from the constant smell of poop on his butt and his breath, he is supposed to be our dog and we love him very much!

EVENT #3: Mapleton, UT. We took the plunge and bought the most expensive thing we ever have up to this point. A house. It is a quaint little cottage of a house that we now call home. It sits on just under half an acre, so most of the investment is in the land. We've already began to fix things up and will probably post more things about it as things progress. We've also had to fix things, which naturally happens with a 60 year old house. But like I said, we call it home, and it keeps us safe from the elements.

EVENT #4: Arrie (prounounced R-E kind of blended together). Up until Arrie was born, the house was our most expensive investment. On October 21, that changed. We welcomed our biggest investment into the world and it was the most incredible experience. Here is how it happened: 1:30 am, Jen wakes up - water breaks. 1:35 am, I complain that I want to sleep. 2:30 am, we arrive at the hospital. 11:15 am, Arrie is born. Basically, life has never been the same since. It's funny, much like our dog Pogi, all she does is eat and poop. She sleeps when she wants to. I have to speak for myself and say I absolutely love being a padre. That's all.

So there you have it. That's basically all you need to get caught up on our lives. As time goes on, we'll elaborate on some details. I promise we'll get back into the groove of blogging.

Like I said before...We're back.


Harrison - Party of Four! said...

Lol, I love the post man! Welcome back and congratulations. Boy I guess they weren't kidding when people say these were the crucial years when every thing happens- Maybe they should have said supercritical months :) Great Post.
- Brant

Mindee said...

So great to hear from you guys! Can't wait to hear more :)

Bobbi Lee said...

Congratulations on everything! What a beautiful baby girl. Glad you're back...

Kristy said...

Yay you're back! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're back! Your little girl is SO cute! Love the house it looks so much like the little house we rented up in Logan, ahh the memories :0)

Emma said...

Sorry that was my comment apparently I haven't figured out how to sign on yet...duh! :)

KColton said...

Welcome back! :D Your daughter is so beautiful!