Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Primary Class

Ok, so we finally have pictures of our primary class. We were missing Georgia today, but when they're all there, maybe we can have a big class picture. First there is Grace, then Page, Leah, and Debony. They all have such different and unique personalities, it is amazing to learn from them. They are all five and already know so much about the scriptures.

One time we were teaching that we need to obey the laws of the land. We asked what color meant stop - they all said "red." We then asked what color meant go. Debony said, "white!" :) What? We asked her what she meant. Very confidnetly and almost in a tone of "why are you asking," she said, "when there is a red hand it means stop, when there is a white person, you can walk." Smart!

Another time in church we asked Debony to say the closing prayer. She was so funny, she said, "...and please bless that we can have treats." :) Luckily we had cookies, but that was so funny.

Grace in our class is so fun and sweet, but she is also very sensative. One Sunday we didn't call on her to say a prayer and she didn't look up after the closing prayer - she was crying. We asked her what was wrong and through her tears she said she had wanted to say a prayer and she didn't get to. So we decided we would have her say the opening prayer the next Sunday, well we did and she said she didn't want to say the prayer...Oh, they are so fun.

Well, we'll keep you updated on other funny things they do. I know they aren't our kids so it's not as cool, but for now... :)

Oh, also, we should report on the Body Worlds exhibit we went to. I don't think I'll tell you what we saw cuz it sounds grose but it isn't - PROMISE! It's so cool and educational - we loved it. However, if you're planning on going, plan for 2 + hours, and of that it takes about 1/2 hour - 45 minutes to get through the lines - even with pre-purchased tickets. But, it's cool. Well, for now, take care and we'll write again.


Chad and Jessica said...

Braden Boss?! Oh my goodness! It's so good to "see" Blogging rocks! I love finding all these old friends. Congrats on the marriage! Looks like you are both so happy : ) Take care!
By the way, I'm so telling Amy "Arnold" that I found you, but I must confess, Carina found you first.
Jessica "Starkey" Durfee

KColton said...

Hey you have such a cute class!! I nervous about getting callings but hopefully it will be fun! Love ya!


Hey Braden, this is Amy Arnold, now- Amy Winegardner. Jessica told me about your blog- congrats on getting married! You guys look great. you can check out my blog - ""- I've been married 3 years, and no babies yet, still trying to finish school- the never ending story. My husband just graduated this summer and he's looking for a job. We live in Springfield- So do you guys live in Utah or Idaho? - and I teach a primary class too- I love it- the kids crack me up with their random answers. It was fun catching up on your blog- congrats again.

Becca said...

Jen! It's been forever. Sounds like you're doing GREAT! I'm so happy for you two!