Thursday, August 14, 2008

Update by Jen

Hello! I haven't written on here for a while, it's usually Braden :) which is great cuz he's really good at it. But, I thought I'd take a minute and update you all on our life.

Yesterday, Braden finished his finals and hence finished his Summer semester!!!! Whooo! He did so great in all of his classes, especially his industrial design drawing class. Now he has 3 weeks off and I know we are both going to really enjoy it. Especially because for a week of that time we get to go to Oregon, which I've never been to and it's where Braden grew up. The two highlights he's been talking about the most is a donut shop in Eugene and the opening Oregon Duck game which we will go to live!!!! - along with my first ever tailgate party. We will for sure post pictures when we get back.

We had both of our parents over for dinner this last weekend - My parents and the puppy came for Sunday dinner, and Braden's parents came for Monday dinner. We had so much fun! Both nights we played a game we got for our wedding - In a Pickle, both our dad's won! With my parents we checked out the highlights on YouTube of the TV show, "Wipeout." If you haven't seen it, it's so funny. Then on Monday night we watched a movie, Drillbit Taylor. It was funny with a moral of how the bully get's it in the end.

I know I'm going backwards but that is how my mind works! :) Sunday we also accepted our calling in church to be Primary teachers. We teach three little girls - they are about 5 or 6 years old. Only two of them were there this last week, Page and Grace. Again, we'll take pictures and post them.

Last bit of news is that one year ago Braden and I met. I can't believe it's been a year. I have so much to be grateful for and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in my life than in our basement apartment with my wonderful wonderful husband, Braden. I don't know how I got so lucky. We tell each other we were good missionaries - cuz as I heard the Elder's say a lot, "gotta work hard for those "Hot Wife" points" - or in my case "Hot Hubby" points! :) Yep, I must have worked dang hard! It's been a great year, I'm so grateful to our Heavenly Father for bringing us together and that we are now an Eternal Family.

Until next post, we love you all TONS and hope to see and hear from you all soon. Oh, and thanks for voting on our new hair. Braden actually has even newer hair now. He buzzed it for the summer - I think it looks hot! :) K, C-Ya!

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